Forum Theatre for People With Disabilities (PWD)

From day one, when Forum Theatre was introduced in Uganda most especially Northern Uganda which went through war for two decades. A lot of changes has been witnessed in communities, from disabled to abled persons. it was conducted in over 4 districts within Northern Uganda. The plays were focusing on changing perception of the community on the people with disabilities.
It is a powerful tool for community engagement and education since it involves the triggering of the audience to come out with resolution or solutions to the challenge that affect a group of people like on this play where the actors were focusing on land issues. here the community came up with more alternative ways for handling land wrangles. Today, in Northern land wrangles is topping beside other issues like Gender Based Violent (GBV).
Some of the affected communities during the war watching the play since it was targeting challenges that they are facing.
No matter the situation you are in educating a child is a must and on the play it was focusing how people with disabilities struggle to take their children to get education.

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